
A heartfelt thank you to everyone who has contributed to the development and growth of this site. Your support and resources have been invaluable! Please check them out <3!!


  • Host: Neocities - A fantastic platform that hosts this site
  • Discovery: Found Neocities thanks to Thore - Speciall thanks for the constant aid!
  • Website Layout Inspiration: - also hase a button creator
  • Static Site Generator: Jekyll - Powers the blog with its static site capabilities
  • My button: I created my button using Pixilart and using’s and Hekate’s button creator
  • Domain: I registered my domain through, which is a company based in Germany. The domain is new but they seem pretty competent so I am optimistic that I can recommend them
  • Neko: Neko following cursor by WebNeko: 😻
  • Guestbook: Thanks to Ayano who provided the awesome guestbook template!
  • Version Control: Organized the programming using Git and GitLab.
  • Information Banner: Dom’s Design on CodePen.
  • Old Blog Design: Old Blog design by SANJIB KUMAR DEY.

Learning Resources



Buttons and Blinkies

  • All (neocitie) site-buttons designs are by their respective owner - definitly check them out
  • Blinkies are by Blinkies Café
  • All non neocities-site-buttons are from different sites of the neocities community and me

See all buttons and blinkies


  • Translations: All translations are done by myself, with assistance from DeepL and sometimes different AI models provided via DuckDuckGo AI Chat. Each translation is reviewed by me for accuracy. If you find any inaccuracies, please let me know.

Your feedback and suggestions are always welcome as they help in improving the site. Thank you again to everyone who has contributed in any way. E.g. whos stuff I used 😅, you’re all awesome!!

I only have rights for my content, not on the content I didn’t make. These are for example text excerpts or most images. I try to be as transparent about the origin as possible.

Example for my content would be all blog posts. Those are written by me and free for anyone to use. I will improve the transperency through other means soon.